Liberal Judaism Lectionary 5782/83

14 July 2021 – 5 Av 5781

Liberal Judaism Lectionary 5782/83

The new Liberal Judaism lectionary for 5782/83 is available now and can be read/downloaded by clicking here.

The lectionary – compiled by Louise Freedman with help from Rabbi David Hulbert – is a guide to the recommended Torah and Haftarah readings for Shabbat, festivals and special shabbatot.

This latest version runs from 1 Tishri 5782 – 29 Ellul 5783 (7 September 2021 – 15 September 2023). It also includes festival and other notable Jewish dates for the next five years at the end.

The lectionary accounts for the Progressive observance of holidays, therefore some readings will vary from those in Orthodox synagogues.

The lectionary is in memory of Jeromé Freedman z”l, who loved reading from the Torah in synagogue.

Click here to read/download.

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