Read July/August 2024 edition of LJ Today

1 July 2024 – 25 Sivan 5784

LJ Today July August 2024 front page

The latest edition of LJ Today – Liberal Judaism’s bi-monthly magazine – is out now, in both print and online formats and contains stories on:

  • Supporting and learning from our Israeli partners
  • The B’nei Mitzvah programme now open across Progressive Judaism
  • Communities coming together on Shavuot and Yom Ha’Atzmaut
  • Leo Baeck College and the Library of Lost Books
  • LJY-Netzer preparations for Machaneh Kadimah summer camp

To make sure of the widest access possible, LJ Today is always made available digitally as well as in print. You can read the January/February 2024 edition on Issuu by visiting

Alternatively, if you want a digital copy emailed directly to you then please email the editor Simon Rothstein on

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