Liberal Judaism statement on Yom HaShoah 5782

28 April 2022 – 27 Nisan 5782

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On this day, 27 Nisan 5782, we commemorate Yom HaShoah along with Jews around the world.

All our Liberal Judaism communities stand together in the importance of commemoration; from honouring our Czech Scrolls and the communities they come from to the importance of survivor stories and testimonies to teaching our young people to take on that responsibility too.

As Elie Wiesel urged us all: “For the dead and the living, we must bear witness. Not only are we responsible for the memories of the dead, we are responsible for what we do with those memories.”

May we carry those memories with us into the future of our Liberal Judaism and our congregations. May they inform and direct the legacy we carry from generation to generation.

By Rabbis Rebecca Birk and René Pfertzel, Co-Chairs of the Conference of Liberal Rabbis and Cantors

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