Join the Human Rights Shabbat Programme

2 October 2016 – 29 Elul 5776

2 October 2016

A dozen Liberal communities have already signed up to take part in the René Cassin Human Rights Shabbat Programme for 5777.

René Cassin – a charity working to promote and protect universal human rights, drawing on Jewish experience and values – has run the project for the last eight years.

This year’s Shabbat takes place on Saturday December 10 and will ask the question ‘what does a Jewish campaign to end modern day slavery look like?’

Communities signing up will be offered connections to leading slavery charity speakers, Jewish text sources for sermon ideas and study sessions, resources for children’s activities and posters and materials to promote the day.

René Cassin will also provide bespoke support to take a more in-depth look at specific issues within modern day slavery.

To sign up and receive further information, simply email

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