Prayer for His Majesty’s Opposition

8 July 2024 – 2 Tammuz 5784

By Rabbi Gabriel Kanter-Webber (Brighton and Hove Progressive Synagogue)

This prayer for His Majesty’s Opposition accompanied the regular Shabbat prayer for the Royal Family and Government, as both parties enter their new roles.

Eternal God, who has never been out of power, who has never lacked influence, we ask Your blessing for His Majesty’s Opposition.

We stand in awe of how majority becomes minority and minority majority, and pray that we may heed the words and minds of both.

We seek the truth while recognising our own fallibility. Grant the Opposition the humility to accept defeat and the strength to grow into their new role; the ability to analyse and the composure to co-operate, for the good of our nation.

God, Ruler, Sovereign, let human rule and sovereignty be distributed among us in the best interests of society, that we may grow in prosperity and stature, protect the vulnerable and listen to all. כן יהי רצון, may this be God’s will.

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