Statement on Supreme Court decision to overturn abortion rights

27 June 2022 – 28 Sivan 5782

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The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade is a devastating blow to justice and the prioritisation of one section of religious belief over another.

This formulation of a law which regulates women and their bodies should bring fear to us all, not just for this moment but what it can lead to. There will be repercussions in physical suffering, psychological impacts, financial hardships and trauma.

But ultimately, the freedom to choose abortion should not be about the outcomes, but rather fundamentally be about the right of a woman to choose.

Judaism has long held a belief and understanding that abortion is a permissible and sometimes necessary measure.

From as early as the writings of the Mishnah, we read that the “mother’s life comes before the fetus’s life”.

We believe that life is sacred and that the life and well-being of an existing life must be prioritised over the possibility of potential life.

Furthermore, as Liberal Jews we recognise that proper sex and consent education, free contraceptives, paying a living wage, universal healthcare and strong social services are much better ways of preventing unwanted pregnancies than regulation of abortions.

Liberal Judaism stands shoulder to shoulder with Jews in the United States and all those protesting and opposing this unthinkable return to the dark ages. We, and they, will not rest in the ongoing struggle for reproductive liberty.

Statement by Rabbis Rebecca Birk and Rabbi René Pfertzel, Co-Chairs of the Conference of Liberal Rabbis and Cantors

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