Bring a global justice perspective to your Sukkot

14 September 2020 – 25 Elul 5780

Sukkot global justice

14 September 2020

Liberal Judaism is delighted to support ‘A Sukkah of Peace: A Global Justice Journey’, a resource designed to bring a new perspective to your High Holy Day celebrations.

A partnership between OLAM, Repair the World and JDC Entwine, daily themed colouring posters are available that explore the themes and reflections of Sukkot and how they connect to global justice and responsibility. The resource can be used whether you are sitting in your home or in a Sukkah, and can be done alone or with family and friends online.

Themes covered include peace, shelter, humility, food security and resilience.

The resource pack and instructions can be downloaded by clicking here.

Liberal Judaism vice chair Graham Carpenter, who is the UK community manager for OLAM & JDC Entwine, said; “To me, Sukkot is probably the most native of festivals to Liberal Judaism. It’s rich symbolism and messages of shelter and community speak to me deeply about what Judaism most means to me.

“Liberal Judaism has always demonstrated its embrace of these outward looking values and will continue to do so. We have a unique place in global Judaism, and in the global community as a whole.

“This is a great opportunity to cast our net wider once again and consider our relationship with global justice.”

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