Celebrate Shavuot with our ‘Tikkun Leil’ programme

28 May 2020 – 5 Sivan 5780

Tikkun Leil Shavuot programme

28 May 2020

Liberal Judaism communities across the country are celebrating Shavuot with study sessions and services throughout tonight and tomorrow morning.

Multiple communities are coming together to run online study groups and services, including sessions for children, as part of our ‘Tikkun Leil’ programme.

Full details and Zoom links to take part can be found on our Liberal Judaism At Home Facebook Group. The schedule is:


Revelation in a cup of coffee
Rabbi Sandra Kviat (Shir Hatzafon, Denmark)


A day in the Life of a teenager in Haifa
Rabbi Aaron Goldstein (NPLS) with teens from the Leo Baeck Education Center Haifa

From Harvest to Har Sinai
Rabbi Alexandra Wright (LJS)

Reading Torah with LGBTQI+ Eyes
Rabbi Elli Tikvah Sarah (BHPS)


Israel: Making ends meet Balancing political pragmatism with staying true to our values
Rabbi Lea Mühlstein (NPLS) and Yaron Shavit (Kamatz)

Alice Herz Sommer (z”l): Czech concert pianist and Terezin survivor
In conversation with Judi Herman (NPLS) and at the piano

Is Storytelling central to being Jewish?
Rabbi Thomas Salamon (Westminster)


Moses and Judith Montefiore spend Shavuot in Prague, Kolin and Safed
Rabbi Andrew Goldstein (NPLS)

Perek Shirah – an ancient mystical composition
Rabbi Mark Solomon (ELJC and LPJC)


A midrash and a sermon by John Rayner – for Shavuot
Rabbi Danny Rich (with Finchley Progressive Synagogue)


What makes a Jew? Becoming Jewish with Ruth and the Rabbis
Rabbi Margaret Jacobi (BPS)

Revelation at Sinai – from Certainty to Doubt
Rabbi Larry Englander (Solel, Canada) and Rabbi Myra Hovav (Ramat Shalom Be’er Sheva)


Tots’ Shavuot


Shavuot Morning Service